Sunday, January 1, 2012

Unnie’s Grooming Tipz

Say hello to 2012.. Most of us spend our time partying, sending greetings and go out. But remember guys,  Monday’s approaching so that means all of our daily activities will be resumed as usual. But to fresh things up, why don’t we try on new looks and styles to look better and  ORIGINAL  to stand out from the crowd. What else that MAKEOVERS!!

2011 is the year of getting edgy, but believe me 2012 is the time for Edgy mode to come out from the closet. I dedicate this column for Men, because I found out that there are not many blogs that focuses on Men styles and trends, so why don’t Unnie try to sort this out by helping the boys out to let their “purr” for the girls to see?

Without further adieu, here’s my top 5 recommendation for HAIRSTYLES for MEN version 2012:
(pictures courtesy from

1.     Slicked Back Undercut
I called it a soft-mohawk, because the hair isn’t spiked up. If you have a straight sleek hair, then this hair suits you best. Not only the bold cut is very sharp and unique, but also it fits a classy yet bad-ish boy in a good way. 1920s and 1930s revival is strongly influenced this cut.

2.     Short Curls
Flaunt that curl, boy! Don’t you that it’s uber-sexy for guys to have a curly hair? Just some grooming, trimming her and there, voila! There you have it! A sexy look in spring!

3.       Undercut
Wanna look different but not too over-the-top? Well, how about trimming one side of the head like this and let the other side grow. That’s gonna turn heads for sure! (FYI, my friend has this looks and dang he’s rockin’ with confidence)

 4.      Side-Shorts
Trim the side, and style it up to the side. A simple but a real deal baby. Again, another yummy cut for Spring!! (I own this look right now, an A-class)

 5.      Curls Med
I rarely like a cut that is swishy, but this is totally H.o.T!! I like the messy feel, that makes the image more edgy, in a sense of “I’m Free and I do what I want”-ish. My fifth fav on the list.


short curls


slicked back undercut

curls med
Here's the model hair (1 to 5):

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